Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello Misaka!
Nice to meet u!
i didn't noe u were from
oh ya...
ppl dono who is
Misaka yet...
no worries, only
Misaka will noe who is Misaka...
of course excluding
me... :)

*EDIT* - - - AcroBaleno might noe Misaka too !

so Misaka, i heard u are reaching 17?
LOL... kk go guess who is

FINAL HINT: Not me + all the information on top are fake...

By: Me :) aka Jere(Me)

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Not Normal Day

Hellos...Posting... Feel like posting, cauz Hanz am totally a dumb ass.. Baka... Sianz.. Today play bball at CPcc.. Problemtic Hanz juz like playin under the tent(so called), then he JUMP!! Results = Nose bleeded like tap water..

Sianz... I personally Felt is an instant retribution.. Cauz at the epicenter there... Hanz said Hua " Wah, the money spent like bleeding sia.. Next time buy laptop then everywhere liu xue... Zzz"

Then ltr bak at the CPcc there, Hua pass a ball to Hanz, Hanz seems a Full pump..
*BANG*... onto the tent metal bar... Fallen...
Hanz laid on the floor.. Then nose started bleeding.. Seem serious..

Sianz... Recover soon Mr Hanz... RECOVER!!! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wooo..... Birthmonth wor

Woo.... Birthmonth for Lol... Doubt anyone notice this blog changes and the new post added in 3/1. Only the few persons i told them they will know..... So nvm... As a celebrations change the skins with the approval of 3 knightz(including me). Any changes you want to make or you dislike this blog skins tell me.. I remove it the instant you dont like it... As for reviving the blog, I have no hope and forget about telling me to revive which is impossible... I do this blog skin because it is the blog i had been handling hence got feeling you know... Not like those who post ONLY 2 or 3 post since 1 year ago... This blog is CREATED ONE YEARS AGO.... You all go think how many post you all make...Haiz... Forget about it... If you saw this changes in the blog, write a tag in the tagboard. i want to see who is last to notice this changes(excluding jeremy since he is the one who has been helping and i told him i uploading now) LOL... kthxb... That's it..... Zai Jian I wont even tell you who I am... Jordan, Let see if jordan is faster than any of the knightz.... Good Luck